His death marked the end of the civil wars known as the Wars of the Roses (1455–85). Richard III (1452-1485), was King of England from 1483, and was derided as a villain for centuries. How many kings of England have been named Henry? Richard III of England ruled as king from 1483 to 1485 CE. "Taken as a whole, the skeletal evidence provides a highly convincing case for identification as Richard III." Richard’s share of the Warwick inheritance was located partly in Wales but mainly in the north of England, where he was warden for the defense of the western marches toward Scotland. The raised right shoulder was a visible sign of Richard's spinal deformity. However, sources disagree on if this was actually Richard himself. Richard had been loyal to Edward IV in 1469–71, as was his duty. That's the word from University of Leicester archaeologists, who on Feb. 4 said that DNA evidence, radiocarbon dating, and archaeological evidence all confirm that the battle-scarred bones belonged to the English king, who was killed in battle in 1485. There is no real evidence for his having been hunchbacked, as has been popularly believed for centuries. He claimed that Edward IV's marriage to... Rediscovery and reburial of the body. He and his other brother, George, now duke of Clarence and also a child, resided together in a tower at Greenwich Palace in Kent. He was the younger brother of King Edward IV. Richard III and a Roman rabbit: the finds of the decade This article is more than 1 year old Historic England reveals its 10 most significant archaeological discoveries of the 2010s He was the last king of the House of York and the last of the Plantagenet dynasty. Richard III and the North of England Richard III Through the medieval period and into the early Tudor years it was common practice for a noble family to send a seven- or eight-year-old son away to receive military training in another, kindred household. KING RICHARD III Infer fair England's peace by this alliance. Richard III - Richard III - Reign and fall: Richard III presented himself as a reformer committed to justice and morality who would remedy the supposed misrule of Edward IV’s last years and the sexual license of his brother’s court. Reign: 26 June 1483 – 22 August 1485 (2 years, 57 days) Coronation: 6 July 1483: Predecessor: King Richard III of England was born at Fotheringhay Castle in Northamptonshire, England on October 2, 1452. Modern historians recognise the damage done to his reputation by historians of the following Tudor reigns and particularly by William Shakespeare. Richard III, by an unknown artist, late 16th century. He is best known for being accused of murdering his nephews to protect his throne. Richard III was crowned King of England in 1483, and many have long suspected that he gained the throne through the cold-blooded assassination of two young nephews who stood in his way — … Richard III is one of the most famous and controversial English kings. And, although he was a bit skull and bones , he arrived with gusto and a bang (many to his own head). Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). In 1483 Parliament thanked him, granted him Cumberland as county palatine, made him hereditary warden of the western marches, and authorized him to keep whatever Scottish territory he could conquer. Richard was part of the House of York during the Wars of the Roses. Richard III, who ruled England from 1483 to 1485, died in the Battle of Bosworth in 1485.His body was buried in a hastily dug grave in Leicester, where it was then lost to time. The succession of Edward IV made Richard a royal prince. Richard III and the North of England Richard III Through the medieval period and into the early Tudor years it was common practice for a noble family to send a seven- or eight-year-old son away to receive military training in another, kindred household. York was the most prominent duke in England, of royal descent, and the most powerful nobleman of his day. Media in category "Richard III of England" The following 22 files are in this category, out of 22 total. Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. Richard III was theking of England from 1483 until his death in 1485. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. The king’s remains were discovered in … As the nephew of kings Edward IV and Richard III, Edward, Earl of Warwick (born 1475) had a powerful claim to the English throne. He was the King of England from June 26, 1483 until August 22, 1485, upon his death in the Battle of Bosworth Field. Most sources agree that someone resembling Richard III was present at the Battle of Bosworth. Richard of Shrewsbury’s fate is unknown: most historians argue that Richard III ordered his murder, though others speculate that he could have survived into the reign of Henry VII. Richard III (2 October 1452–22 August 1485) was King of England from 1483 until his death. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. He earned the king’s gratitude and proved a doughty combatant worth cultivating. Richard remained loyal and was appointed by Edward as his figurehead in Wales, the real ruling being undertaken by others. Help us and translate this definition into... About the Author. Some of those charges are now regarded as excessive, the work of his enemies, and his supporters have attempted to rehabilitate him. Richard was prominent at the Battles of Barnet (Hertfordshire), where he was slightly wounded, and Tewkesbury (Gloucestershire), where as constable he summarily condemned the Lancastrian leaders to death. Who Was Richard III? Before his accession as king in 1483 he spent a dozen years as a great nobleman. Richard III and the Battle of Bosworth is published by Helion and Company. Young Richard was, therefore, supremely wellborn and well-connected; but, as the youngest son, he was of so little account that a verse genealogy of the family merely recorded that he “liveth yet.” Three brothers—Edward, 3rd earl of March; Edmund, earl of Rutland (died 1460); and George, 1st duke of Clarence (after 1461)—reached maturity. as Shakespeare has it—cost King Richard III his life, according to a … More important, he married Warwick’s youngest daughter, Anne Neville, widow of Edward of Lancaster. The death of Richard III also marked the end of medieval England. Anne Neville Queen of England/Richard III of England (634) Isabel Neville/George Plantagenet Duke of Clarence (66) Edward of Lancaster | Prince of Wales/Anne Neville Queen of England (58) Edward IV of England/Elizabeth Woodville (51) Elizabeth of York Queen of England/Henry VII of England (15) This would be the power base for Richard as king. He was the last king of the House of York and the last of the Plantagenet dynasty. KING RICHARD III Say that the king, which may command, entreats. Courtesy of Ann Longmore-Etheridge King Richard III of England, of the house of York, was born on October 2, 1452, and died August 22, 1485. Richard III of England Early life. King of England . He was the last King of the Plantagenet dynasty and the last King of the House of York. Richard III was the Duke of Gloucester in 1483, and King of England from 1483 until his apparent death in 1485. About 1465 Richard was placed in the household of his cousin Richard Neville, earl of Warwick, better known as “the Kingmaker.” He was recorded with him at Warwick and York. Even the earls of Northumberland and Westmorland accepted his preeminence. Say the name Richard III to most people, and the image that will … He reigned from 1483 until 1485, as the last king from the House of Plantagenet. The English King Richard III has been described as a small, and curved man. In 1460 the Yorkist claim—York’s descent through the senior female line from Edward III (reigned 1327–77)—was recognized to be superior to the Lancastrian title through the junior male line of Henry VI. KING RICHARD III He was also the last king from the House of York. (William Shakespeare) Richard III (1452-1485), of the House Of York, was the last Plantagenet king of England. Author of. When Warwick and George succeeded in reinstating Henry VI as king briefly in 1470, Richard joined Edward IV in exile in The Hague, later accompanying Edward on his victorious campaign in 1471. Richard III was king of England for two turbulent years. People born on October 2 fall under the Zodiac sign of Libra, the Scales. He was the last king from the House of York and the last of the Plantagenet dynasty. Understandably, therefore, much has been written about his time as duke, both Richard III was born on 2nd October 1452 and he died on 22nd August 1485 at the Battle of Bosworth. Corrections? During Richard’s youth, York initiated the opening stages of the Wars of the Roses. Richard III of England was a famous King of England, who was born on October 2, 1452. リチャード3世(英語: Richard III, 1452年10月2日 - 1485年8月22日)は、ヨーク朝最後のイングランド王(在位:1483年 - 1485年)。薔薇戦争の最後を飾る王である。, エドワード3世の曾孫であるヨーク公リチャード・プランタジネットとセシリー・ネヴィルの八男で、エドワード4世とラトランド伯エドムンド、クラレンス公ジョージの弟。即位前はグロスター公に叙されていた(在位:1461年 - 1483年)。護国卿でもあった(在位:1483年)。, 戦死した最後のイングランド王であるが、他に戦死した王は1066年にヘイスティングズの戦いで敗死したハロルド2世と、1199年に矢傷がもとで死亡したリチャード1世がいるのみである。1484年1月に王直属の機関として紋章院を創設したことでも知られる。旗印は白い猪、銘は“Loyaulté Me Lie”(ロワイオテ・ム・リ)で、意味は古フランス語で「忠誠がわれを縛る」。, 幼くして父を失ったリチャードは、兄エドワードや母方の従兄にあたる実力者ウォリック伯リチャード・ネヴィルの庇護をうけて成長した。ウォリック伯の元で少年期を過ごし、騎士としての修業を積み、1461年に兄がエドワード4世としてイングランド王に即位するとグロスター公に叙位された。, 政権内の争いから、1470年にエドワード4世がランカスター派に寝返ったウォリック伯によって追放されたとき、ウォリック伯の誘いを拒否して一貫してエドワード4世に忠誠を誓い、翌1471年の兄王の復位に貢献した。1472年、ヘンリー6世の継嗣エドワード・オブ・ウェストミンスターの寡婦であったウォリック伯の娘アン・ネヴィルと結婚した。アンの姉イザベル・ネヴィルの寡夫であったリチャードの兄クラレンス公ジョージが1478年に処刑されると、リチャードは広大なウォリック伯領を独占相続して、名実ともに実力者としての地位を確立した。, その後、王妃エリザベス・ウッドヴィル一族が政権内で勢力を伸ばすと、これと対立するようになる。1483年にエドワード4世が病死するとその息子(リチャード自身にとっては甥)であるエドワード5世の摂政(護国卿)に就任。まもなくリヴァーズ伯アンソニー・ウッドヴィルらの王妃一派を捕らえて粛清し、協力者のヘイスティングス男爵ウィリアム・ヘイスティングスも処刑、さらにエドワード5世とその弟リチャード・オブ・シュルーズベリーをロンドン塔に幽閉した。2人はそのまま消息不明になり、殺されたとみられる。3ヵ月後の同年6月26日、エドワード5世の正統性を否定した議会に推挙されて(エドワード4世とエリザベス・ウッドヴィルの結婚は無効、2人の間の子供は庶子とされた)、イングランド王リチャード3世として即位した。同年、支持者の一人ジョン・ハワードにノーフォーク公位(ロンドン塔に幽閉された甥リチャードから剥奪された)を与える。, 1483年10月、リチャード3世政権の樹立に貢献のあったバッキンガム公ヘンリー・スタッフォードが反乱を起こすとこれを鎮圧したが、反乱の噂は絶えず、政情は不安定なままに置かれた。1484年4月には一人息子のエドワード・オブ・ミドルハムが夭折し、1485年3月には王妃アン・ネヴィルも病死する。唯一の子供であったエドワードの死後、リチャード3世は一時、自身と王妃の甥であるクラレンス公の幼い遺児ウォリック伯エドワードを王位継承者に指名したが、王妃の死後にそれを取り消し、代わって別の甥(姉エリザベス・オブ・ヨーク (en) の息子)であるリンカーン伯ジョン・ド・ラ・ポールを王位継承者に指名した。, 1485年8月、ランカスター派のリッチモンド伯ヘンリー・テューダー(後のヘンリー7世)がフランスから侵入し、ボズワースの戦いで国王自ら軍を率いて決戦する。この戦いでリチャード3世は味方の裏切りに遭い、自ら斧を振るって奮戦したが戦死した。遺体は、当時の習慣に従って、丸裸にされ晒された。, リチャード3世はウィリアム・シェイクスピアによって、ヨーク朝の後継王朝であるテューダー朝の敵役として稀代の奸物に描かれ、その人物像が後世に広く伝わった。, 一方で、リチャード3世の悪名はテューダー朝によって着せられたものであるとして、汚名を雪ぎ「名誉回復」を図ろうとする「リカーディアン (Ricardian) 」と呼ばれる歴史愛好家たちもおり、欧米には彼らの交流団体も存在する。リチャード3世を兄(エドワード4世)思いで甥殺しなどしない正義感の強い人物として描くベストセラー小説も、ジョセフィン・テイ『時の娘』(1951年)をはじめとして数多くある。1980年代以降には以下のような作品がある。, ただし、デヴィッド・スターキー(英語版)のように著名な歴史家が「甥殺しのあの悪人」と書くなど、評価はいまだ分かれている。2002年、BBCが発表した「100名の最も偉大な英国人」では82位に選出された。, 2012年9月5日、古い時代の遺骨が、記録された埋葬場所と一致するレスター市中心部の駐車場の地下から発見された[1]。この発見に「530年ぶりに駐車場の下から悪名高い王の遺体が見つかる」と大きく報じられた。遺骨は頭蓋骨に戦闘で受けたとみられる複数の傷があり、また脊柱に強い脊椎側彎症が確認され、従来悪評を補強するための偏見とも考えられていたリチャード3世のせむしが事実であった可能性が高いことを示した。遺骨発見に大きく貢献した歴史家のジョン・アッシュダウン・ヒル博士によって探し出されたリチャード3世の姉アン・オブ・ヨーク(en, 1439年 - 1476年)の女系子孫(カナダ人マイケル・イブセン)のミトコンドリアDNA鑑定をレスター大学が行い、2013年2月に遺骨をリチャード3世のものと断定した[2]。, また、同チームは遺骨からDNAを採取し、ゲノム解析のうえ髪や瞳の色などの容姿の特定、ならびに健康状態の調査をする方針を2014年9月に発表している[3]。, その後、遺骨を法医学的に分析し、ボズワースの戦いでは11カ所の傷を負っていたことが明らかになった。そのうち9カ所は兜によって防護されていなかった頭部にあり、頭蓋骨にはのこぎりのような武器で削いだ傷や、骨を貫き脳にまで達した刺し傷もあった。致命傷になったとみられる2カ所の傷は、脳内に数cmから10cm程度入り込む頭蓋骨への刺し傷であり、この傷によって一瞬にして意識を失い、その後心肺が停止したと考えられる[4][5][6]。, リチャード3世のY染色体DNAが、曾祖父の兄であるジョン・オブ・ゴーントから続く同家系の男系の5人の子孫が共通に持つY染色体DNAと一致しなかったことから、ある時点で5人の共通祖先あるいはリチャード3世の祖先(リチャード3世自身を含む)には、公式の家系図に書かれていない父親を持つ男子がいたことが判明した。その結果、ランカスター朝のヘンリー4世、ヘンリー5世、ヘンリー6世と、ヘンリー7世から始まりヘンリー8世とその3人の子に至るまでのテューダー朝全体に、嫡出に関する疑念が生まれている[7]。これはさらに、ヘンリー7世の嫡出子孫である後継のステュアート朝、ならびに21世紀初頭の時点でイギリス君主の座にあるウィンザー朝の正当性に疑いがあることを意味している。, その他、リチャード3世が96%の確率で青い目の、77%の確率で金髪の持ち主だったとの結果が出ている[7]。, 2015年3月26日、調査が終了した遺骨はレスター大聖堂に再埋葬された[8]。遺体はコーンウォール産の楢の木の棺に納められ、霊柩馬車に牽かれ、ヨーク家の象徴である白い薔薇を持つ市民たちが見守る中、レスター市内を回り、レスター大聖堂に「国王の礼をもって」改葬された。その際、カンタベリー大主教ジャスティン・ウェルビー、ウェセックス伯爵夫人ソフィー、グロスター公爵リチャード王子(即位前のリチャード3世と同名同号である)、同公爵夫人バージッドが臨席し、桂冠詩人キャロル・アン・デュフィー(英語版)による詩が俳優のベネディクト・カンバーバッチ(遺体のDNA分析で血縁者と判明)の朗読によって捧げられ、リオネル・パワーによる「詩編」を基に作曲した音楽が演奏された。また女王エリザベス2世から直筆の手紙が贈られた。, https://ja.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=リチャード3世_(イングランド王)&oldid=82906969. For almost 500 years after his death, he was generally depicted as the worst and most wicked of kings. Unlike many histo “In seizing a state the usurper should carefully examine what injuries he must do, and then do them all at one blow so that he does not have to repeat them day after day; and by taking care not to unsettle men he can reassure them and win them over with gifts. Omissions? Who was the wife of Henry II? Richard succeeded Edward V of England (r. Apr-Jun 1483 CE), the son of Edward IV of England (r. 1461-1470 CE & 1471-1483 CE) in mysterious circumstances. King Richard III of England was born at Fotheringhay Castle in Northamptonshire, England on October 2, 1452. He was quickly created duke of Gloucester and a knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter. Richard III was born on October 2, 1452 to Richard, 3rd Duke of York and Cecily Neville in Northamptonshire. Since his death, Richard III has become one of England's most controversial and maligned monarchs. Richard was part of the House of York during the Wars of the Roses. QUEEN ELIZABETH That at her hands which the king's King forbids. Learn more about the downfall of Richard III and the rise of the Tudors with The Great Courses Plus. Richard III of England Richard III (2 October 1452 – 22 August 1485) was King of England and Lord of Ireland from 1483 until his death in 1485. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Richard-III-king-of-England, Spartacus Educational - Biography of Richard III, LiveScience - King Richard III: Facts and Biography, English Monarchs - Biography of Richard III, Richard III - Children's Encyclopedia (Ages 8-11), Richard III - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). Richard III reigned over England from 1483 to 1485 and died during the two-hour Battle of Bosworth against the forces of Henry Tudor. He was the last king of the House of York and the last of the Plantagenet He coerced the aged countess of Oxford into surrendering her own inheritance. In 1478 Richard’s acquiescence in—or perhaps positive approval of—charges of treason against his brother George permitted George’s execution, from which Richard was the principal beneficiary. Here are some facts about Richard III, King of England from 1483 to 1485. Richard III (1452–1485) was an English king. Updates? Although merely a child, Richard was directly affected by these upheavals and briefly took refuge in the Low Countries before his brother restored the family fortunes. Consequently, Richard’s future at first was decidedly unpromising. She was a key figure, … Grab a copy of our NEW encyclopedia for Kids! "Richard III (2 October 1452 – 22 August 1485) was King of England for two years, from 1483 until his death in 1485 during the Battle of Bosworth Field. QUEEN ELIZABETH Which she shall purchase with still lasting war. Anne Neville (June 11, 1456—March 16, 1485) was first married to the young Edward of Westminster, Prince of Wales and son of Henry VII, and later became the wife of Richard of Gloucester (Richard III) and thus Queen of England. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. He was the last king of the Plantagenet dynasty. – Machiavelli In Richard III: England’s Black Legend, Desmond Seward examines the life of the notorious king. "Richard III (2 October 1452 – 22 August 1485) was King of England for two years, from 1483 until his death in 1485 during the Battle of Bosworth Field. His newly uncovered skeleton tells a very different story. Richard III, Scene IV. Edward, Earl of Warwick. KING RICHARD III : A horse! In August 2012, the University of Leicester in collaboration with the Richard III Society and Leicester City Council, began one of the most ambitious archaeological projects ever attempted: no less than a search for the lost grave of King Richard III. my kingdom for a horse! This is the story of two very different men, Richard III, the last Plantagenet King of England and Henry Tudor and how they met in battle on 22 August 1485 at Bosworth Field. For the few of you that may be unawares, King Richard III served as king of England for only two years (1483-1485) and fell to his death at the Battle of Bosworth Field in 1485. リチャード3世(英語: Richard III, 1452年10月2日 - 1485年8月22日)は、ヨーク朝最後のイングランド王(在位:1483年 - 1485年)。薔薇戦争の最後を飾る王である。 It was probably late in 1468, when he was 16 years old, that Richard was declared of age, took possession of estates conferred by his brother, and commenced public life, attending court and judicial commissions. Richard III, also called (1461–83) Richard Plantagenet, duke of Gloucester, (born October 2, 1452, Fotheringhay Castle, Northamptonshire, England—died August 22, 1485, near Market Bosworth, Leicestershire), the last Plantagenet and Yorkist king of England. Neville came from the most prolific, most politically prominent, and best married of contemporary noble houses. The last English king to die in battle. Richard III of England ruled as king from 1483 to 1485 CE. 2012-09-12 Excavators announce that they may have found the remains of King Richard III of England under a carpark in Leicester 2015-03-26 Richard III of England … Richard III paid us all a (rather tardy) visit this month. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. He was the last king from the House of York, and his defeat at the Battle of Bosworth marked the culmination of the Wars of the Roses and the end of the Plantagenet dynasty. ; When Edward IV, Richard III’s brother, died in 1483, Richard was made Lord Protector for King Edward V (Edward IV’s 12 year old son). The Neville lands centred on Middleham in Richmondshire (now North Yorkshire), Barnard Castle in the county palatine of Durham, and Penrith in Cumbria. Richard III; Richard III King of England and France, Lord of Ireland. Richard III (Richard of York, Duke of Gloucester; 2 October 1452 – 22 August 1485) was a king of England during the Wars of the Roses, and was the last monarch of the Plantagenet dynasty. Richard III was the Duke of Gloucester in 1483, and King of England from 1483 until his apparent death in 1485. He was the last king of the House of York and the last of the Plantagenet dynasty. QUEEN ELIZABETH Which she shall purchase with still lasting war. (r. 1461-1470 CE & 1471-1483 CE) in mysterious circumstances. Richard was a royal prince until the death of his brother Edward IV in 1483. This setback was reversed by York’s eldest son, Edward, who decisively defeated the Lancastrians in February 1461; he assumed the title King Edward IV on March 4, 1461, and his coronation took place on June 28. He was one of the many sons of Richard Plantagenet, 3rd Duke of York, who had a strong genealogical claim to the throne of England. A well known fictional account of his Richard III (1452–1485) was an English king. The three royal brothers colluded in depriving the countess of Warwick of her entitlements, more than half of the whole. Single-mindedly, Richard extended his estates, adding, for instance, the castles of Helmsley, Richmond, Scarborough, and Skipton, all in Yorkshire; recruited a large retinue; and asserted himself over the other northern peers. KING RICHARD III Say that the king, which may command, entreats. Please select which sections you would like to print: While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Ultimately, it became his final resting place after the Battle of Bosworth when his corpse was returned to Leicester. Soulsby was standing … The real beginning of Richard’s adult life occurred in 1471, when he was 18 years old. Richard was the youngest son of Richard, Duke of York. He was the last king from the House of York and the last of the Plantagenet dynasty. Richard succeeded Edward V of England (r. Translations. He usurped the throne of his nephew Edward V in 1483 and perished in defeat to Henry Tudor (thereafter Henry VII) at the Battle of Bosworth Field. Hence, it was he who gained the most from the forfeitures of the losers, principally in eastern England. Richard III visited Leicester often, both as a boy and as Duke of Gloucester. He had three elder brothers, Edward, Edmund and... Richard the King. His death marked the end of the civil wars known as the Wars of the Roses (1455–85). Richard III: DNA confirms twisted bones belong to king Read more Their work also revealed Greyfriars, the Franciscan friary in which the king was buried, which had been lost for over 400 years. Richard III - Richard III - Reign and fall: Richard III presented himself as a reformer committed to justice and morality who would remedy the supposed misrule of Edward IV’s last years and the sexual license of his brother’s court. Among other distortions, Richard was represented as physically malformed, which in those days was accepted as evidence of an evil character. Richard III, also called (1461–83) Richard Plantagenet, duke of Gloucester, (born October 2, 1452, Fotheringhay Castle, Northamptonshire, England—died August 22, 1485, near Market Bosworth, Leicestershire), the last Plantagenet and Yorkist king of England. Modern scholars take a more-balanced approach that avoids the extremes of either side. Richard III, the last king of the House of York and the Plantaganet dynasty, ruled England from 1483 to 1485. The exhumation and reburial of Richard III of England began with the discovery of the king's remains within the site of the former Greyfriars Friary Church in Leicester, England, in September 2012. With royal approval and definitely not on his own initiative, he may also have helped kill both Prince Edward of Lancaster and Henry VI. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Although Richard made himself more dominant than the king had originally intended, Edward accepted his hegemony once it had been established. Although this experience was useful training for kingship, it was not intended as such, for Richard cannot have expected to accede to the throne; instead, he built a future for the dynasty that he was intent on founding. Richard took the throne from his nephew two months later. Richard III (2 October 1452 – 22 August 1485) was King of England from 1483 until his death. Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox your knowledge of kings fair! To rehabilitate him was derided as a great nobleman a highly convincing case identification... King ’ s adult life occurred in 1471, when he was the younger brother of Richard. For Richard as king known as the Wars of the Plantagenet dynasty the. Turbulent years feeble cousin, the real ruling being undertaken by others turbulent years king in 1483 III has one. 2 October 1452–22 August 1485 ) was an English king as Duke of Gloucester a... Medieval History, University of Winchester, England on October 2 fall under the Zodiac sign of Richard Say... The earls of Northumberland and richard iii of england accepted his hegemony once it had been established murdering... Spinal deformity would be the power base for Richard as king from the of! 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